Questions? This page should answer most of them.

Can I post my own reviews?

Unfortunately not. was created to house my reviews.

What's the origin of the name?

Most of us has heard of the site "". However, nobody knows what happened to the "" if it even exists. Well, it does now.

This site's design looks familiar...

The design of the site is based off Google's design back in 2012. Being built from the ground up, it allows me to take more control of the layout, and tweak things to my liking.

Why are some track names abbreviated?

It has to do with the way I coded the track list ratings. If there's a name that's too long, the track rating will become misaligned and it'll look weird. Hope to find a fix for this in the future.

Why are some listen/buy buttons not showing up?

This usually happens if the release aren't on those streaming/shopping platforms. If I get reminded that the release is on streaming, I'll promptly add the button back to the release page.

Where could I contact you?

In the "About us" page, you may find what sites you can use to contact me!

I want to suggest an album for you to review. How could I do that?

See above.

What's the "Miiarcus Selects" release format?

If I really like a song from a project, and it was never officially released as a single, this format will be given to that review page.

StackOverflowTroll? Who's that?

StackOverflowTroll is an entity that doesn't exist. It first appeared in a dream I had where a user by the name of "StackOverflowTroll" spammed the timeline of a 2007s recreation of Twitter named "Owler" with the message: "My name is Cleveland Brown." It immediately became an inside joke within the community, and I even named the URL of this site after the entity. Mockup image courtesy of LukasZone.